Weekly Question: "My client was brought to tears"

business education Aug 30, 2024

"I met with [name] he brough me to tears" 

The worst thing I ever heard from someone I made an introduction to. 


Recently I made an introduction between two people and the one brought my client to tears. 

My heart dropped - to say the least. 

I couldn't believe it. 

I right away followed up with both parties involved as well as all the others who I have introduced to the same questionable person. 

Turned out they all had similar things to say. 

Worse yet - when confronted, the person tried justifying their behavior. 



I felt terrible. 


The reason why this had such an impact on me is that I am a strong believer that you are always just as good as the referrals you make. 

Now, I can hear many people ask me "Yermi, if that were the case, how can I control other people's attitudes and behaviors?" 

That's a great question. You can't. 


Let me first preface with some context. 


There will be some situations where you will have a good interaction with someone, but then when you introduce them to someone else, they will bump heads. It's the human nature. Not all personalities vibe equally. 


With that being said. 

We can be careful and take precautions. 


As a blanket rule, always ask permission before making introductions. 


The reason for this is maybe now is not the right time for that person to meet new people. 
It can also be that they might know each other already. 
It can be for a whole bunch of other reasons. 


Follow up and find out how the meetings went, your reputation depends on it. 


In the very odd case - such as this one - where the introductions went terribly. Always take the steps to verify and apologize where needed. Acknowledge the people involved and try your best to iron out the situation. 

There will be a very off case where there is one party who truly is in the wrong. Quickly terminate that relationship. You don't need that kind of energy around you. and you don't want to be associated with such people. 


Has something similar happened to you? 
How have you managed the situation? 


Would love to hear your thoughts about this approach and what you would do in a similar situation. Please feel welcome to share on the LinkedIn Post