Weekly Question: "How Do I Compete In This Ever Changing Market?"

business education Jul 12, 2024

"How do I compete in an ever eveolving market?" 


So many people are asking this question. 

In fact, many of the people who are coming to me with such a question are demonstrating a great deal of anxiety in their voices. 

"How do I compete?" is their ultimate question. 

The simple answer is "Don't compete." or "Stop trying to compete." 


The moment we shift our focus on what other people are doing or we try comparing ourselves to others in the market - that's when we experience discomfort and it's a hardship or challenge we create for ourselves. 

So many challenges and hardships are beyond our control - but this one is fully in our control. 

So what do we do instead? 


1. Be unique and be creative. 

My grandfather used to always say that an entrepreneur is an artist for business. The entrepreneur is someone who can see what is happening in an industry and s/he can see what others have done successfully in other industries and can see the connection, combine the strategies, and come up with a unique and creative way to do things differently.   


2. You do you

Always remember that there is only one of you in this entire universe, which means that you intrinsically have what it takes to excel in whatever endeavor you discover is right for you. Half the battle is won when you know with certainty what you want to do for the rest of your life. The other half of the battle is to simply show up and do it. The rest flows naturally as an outcome of being authentic and genuine to who you are. 


3. Aim for excellence

Once you have discovered who you are and what your purpose is, you will need to commit to being the best. You are the champion of your life. You are the champion of your industry. You do it because it's your calling. There's nothing else. In our entrepreneurial family we were raised with the idea of whatever you end up doing, do it the best. Meaning if you are a janitor, be the best janitor. If you will be a car salesperson, be the best (and most honest) salesperson there is. Whatever you do, do it right and be the best at it. 


This last piece of advice is the key. 


To win in today's market, you need to be willing to do what others are either not thinking of doing or are unwilling to do. 

A good example was something that happened to a client the other week. This client went to meet a prospect he's been working on for a while and the prospect stood him up. My client was disappointed. But my client showed up. 

In today's post-Covid era, it seems that showing up and respecting commitments is a simple way to be very different. In a world where it's tough to get people to leave their homes, and you are the type of person who will hit the road and be willing to show up - that sets you apart and puts the competition so far behind that they don't pose any threat whatsoever - it's as if they don't exist. 

So - stop competing and just be the best you that you can be. 


Weekly Challenge: What are you doing that people in your industry are not willing or are not thinking of doing? 

Please feel welcome to share your thoughts on the LinkedIn Post