Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 7 - Trust = Belief + Faith - Ft. Yan Katanov

business education live show podcast Feb 18, 2022
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 7 - Trust = Belief + Faith - Ft. Yan Katanov


Many people often confuse and interchange the meaning of belief, faith, and trust.

In this week’s discussion Boruch and Yermi explore the real meaning and difference between each of these behaviors.

In case you missed the podcast, Wednesday Live Show, and Thursday Night Clubhouse discussions - please check out the following links: 


Wednesday Evening Live Show 

Thursday Night Clubhouse Discussion


Who is Yan Katanov? 

  • Never afraid to work
  • “Don’t let work scare you, let work be scared by you.” - Yan’s father. Takes this with him wherever he goes.
  • Parents instilled in him a strong work ethic from a young age.
  • Life is about ups and downs. If life only went up it wouldn’t be enjoyable. There has to be ups and downs so you have what to appreciate. 
  • When you lose something and get it back you hold on to it tighter
  • Learn from every mistake you make in life. 
  • When you learn from your mistake you grow. When you don’t learn from them you will continuously fail. 


Early Life

  • Growing up in the soviet union was challenging 
  • Very strong religious values around keeping the holidays. They did it because it was their value system.
  • When coming to America it was easier to keep the religion so they strengthened it. 
  • Take advantage when things are easy and strengthen yourself, your beliefs, and your work ethic so that when times are tough you have a solid foundation. 


When to transition businesses

  • With every opportunity, you have to build it up, gain from it, and leave it with something good. 
  • Don’t look at failures as the end. Look at it as an education. Reframe failure as a lesson and education. 
  • Transition when you have reached the highest level of growth you can.
  • Look for new opportunities to grow yourself and grow your business. Don't be stagnant and complacent. Always pursue growth.
  • Work in something that you’ll enjoy. (yermi)


Watch the recap below: 


Trust = Belief + Faith

  • Have strong core values
  • If you have nothing to live by, you’ll end up getting lost in everything. 
  • If you have beliefs and values that you follow, you’ll end up succeeding in life. 
  • Even if someone disappoints you, don't use that as an excuse to give up on everyone. 
  • Your faith and beliefs carry over to everyone and everything no matter what. 
  • Don’t let one bad experience destroy your history and your future. 
  • When you trust in yourself and believe in yourself, everything will work out and that trust and belief will carry over to others.
  • Walk away from people and opportunities on good terms.


Don’t Burn Bridges

  • Find ways of using your experiences and opportunities to benefit others. 
  • Find people who can take over for you and do it bigger and better.

Watch the recap below: 


What is Belief?

  • People are by nature decent human beings. They are good, are meant for good, and want to do well. Even the junkie or the “bad” person.
  • Deep down people are good, their core is good, sometimes demons and challenges take over. 
  • When you acknowledge that people ARE good then you can move mountains with them.
  • Belief means knowing and feeling that individuals are good. 
  • Believe in peoples innate goodness and be willing to put in the work to scrape away the muck that covers it up


Story of Older Employee 

  • Believe in what others can do for themselves even if it doesn't benefit you. 
  • Be willing to help them, teach them, guide them, even if there's no benefit for you. Eventually, you'll see their success. 
  • Believe in what others can do and they will do it
  • If you put a belief in someone you will get something back   


We are not our behavior 

  • Belief in people’s core and be willing to work with them
  • Believe not in where people are right now but in where they can be and have faith that they will get there. 


Watch the recap below:


What is Faith?

  • Belief and faith go hand in hand. 
  • If you have belief in someone you’ll have faith - Which will end up helping them carry through whatever it is that they are doing. 
  • Faith means seeing the potential of what a person or business can become and giving the opportunity for it to happen
  • Faith is a product of optimism. In order to have faith, you have to be optimistic.
  • Optimism leads you to have faith in G-d and people. 


Religion & Faith

  • When you believe in a higher power/G-d it instills within you a certain level of goodness and credibility.
  • A man who fears G-d will not do wrong to others. 
  • Religion provides direction in various areas of life
  • Religious faith gives you the ability to have faith and trust in others. It brings a third partner into the group.
  • There’s a progression
  • People at their core are good
  • That belief allows you to have faith that they will do good.
  • Their individual faith allows you to have trust
  • Look at your customers and employees as your friends and have faith and belief in them.


Watch the recap below: 


What is Trust?

  • Build your values, beliefs, and faith and that will carry over to any business.
  • It doesn't matter what you do in life, it matters what your beliefs and standards and values are and that will carry over. 
  • Set standards and goals to achieve. Have a playbook of what to achieve and how to achieve it
  • Every individual has to have standards and guidelines and a playbook they are following and then apply it to every situation. 
  • Find a mentor, someone who can help you and guide you and show you the way. 
  • Be willing to learn from those with experience no matter their age
  • Set standards and you’ll succeed in life. 


Watch the recap below:


How they all work together? 

  • People buy into you before they buy into your business and they'll follow you to any opportunity
  • Create a system for success and it can work in all areas of life.


Organizational Operational System

  • Core values
  • Mission
  • Vision


  • Hold yourself accountable to your standards and guidelines
  • Taking responsibility for your life allows you to stop playing the blame game


Watch the recap below: 


The Bottom Line: 

The 3 main takeaway points were: 

  • Believe that people are good at their core
  • Have faith in them and their ability to achieve
  • Trust is earned when people follow a set of guidelines

Contributors to this article include:


Yan Katanov - Yan is a man who was never afraid to work to make a living. From the young age of 16, he has run multiple successful businesses, from his own catering staffing business to creating barbershops, and his current role of CEO of Optimum Auto Leasing. Throughout it all Yan has made a point of never seeing anybody as competition, instead choosing I build up and help others to become successful in the industry he was in. For Yan, it’s all about building relationships and building bridges, and views his greatest success as being in how many people are better off because of his help.


To reach and learn more about Yan Katanov you can follow his Facebook, check out his website or email him at [email protected] 


Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.


To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]


Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness. 


Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.

To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]