Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 5 - Titles: Are They Good or Bad? - Ft. Jen (Jenergy) Russman

business education live show podcast Feb 04, 2022
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 5 - Titles: Are They Good or Bad? - Ft. Jen (Jenergy) Russman


This week’s topic discussed a somewhat controversial topic about “Titles” - Are they considered to be good or bad? Different people have different ways of seeing it. Some see titles as necessary, while others see them as labels that limit us from our true potential. Both have valid points, and that’s what made this discussion all the more insightful.

In case you missed the podcast, Wednesday Live Show, and Thursday Night Clubhouse discussions - please check out the following links: 

Wednesday Evening Live Show 

Thursday Night Clubhouse 


Who is Jen Russman? 

  • Emotional release practitioner 
  • Jen overcame childhood trauma, years of addiction, MS, and other illnesses and traumas on her own by her own work 
  • Jen is able to do what she does because of her own lives experiences. 
  • Jen believes that lived experiences give you the ability to help and impact others to a higher level. 
  • The connection between the mind/soul, body, and how your mental health and perception of yourself - create the physical changes in your body 
  • Change and leave old stories behind and become a powerful creator of your new life 
  • You get to decide what your healing journey looks and feels like. 
  • Line in the sand moment when everything changed was at 36 when she had a divine intervention (see full story later)
  • Everything that happened didn’t happen for her but THROUGH her to be able to help others. 


Watch the recap below:


Titles: Are they good or bad?

  • Titles are limitations. They are not WHO we are. 
  • Certifications and degrees don’t make you “enough”. They don’t add to YOU as a person. 
  • Your biggest value is in your lived experiences, what you’ve been through and who you've become through it. 
  • The best person to help you with what you're going through is the person who has gone through a similar situation and/or who has lived through the same situation and has come out the other end successfully (or is on the same journey and is going through it successfully). 
  • Get rid of the box around your head with all the labels that you’ve been given. 


Watch the recap below:


How to invite divine intervention in your life?

  • Everyone will have a different experience when it comes to breakthroughs. You can’t expect to have the same one as someone else. 
  • The Gift of Desperation - when the pain has gone on for so long you’ll do anything to fix it. 
  • The Power in the Pause - step back, look around, get honest, look at your mess, have radical responsibility to own your problems and solve them. 
  • You don’t necessarily know you’re taking Power in the pause. 
  • Don’t wait for things to be over before working on them. Don’t wait for things to be broken. 
  • The key is to believe that you are better than the problems and that you deserve more. 
  • Look for what you can do differently so you don’t get to the point of desperation. 


1) Question EVERYTHING - don’t just take the information, the imprints, and the stamps as truth. You decide your truth. 

2) Get CURIOUS - without judgment.  Take inventory of your belief system, thoughts, and core values 

3) Listen to your inner knowing. 


Watch the recap below: 


How do you empower yourself and come to the place of “I AM”?

  • The answers are in your heart and your body
  • Who am I without my “story” - ask yourself this and challenge yourself on this 
  • We are all walking around and identifying as our titles and labels and imprints and conditioning 
  • Get back in touch with who you are 
  • Our higher self communicates to us through our emotions. 
  • We are infinity trying to fit inside “meat suits” 
  • We each have G-d inside of us. 
  • G-d is trying to do His purpose through us 
  • Our “cracks” are for the light of G-d to come out 


Watch the recap below: 


I am who I am

  • Names are representations of different energies we have inside us
  • Our names come with responsibilities and abilities 
  • Your name is not necessarily your definition it’s more of how your powers come out 
  • Our titles are the role we are putting on. 
  • You don’t have to put anything after “I AM” 
  • The I AM is enough. 


Watch the recap below:


Why so much emphasis on titles?

  • A solution is to focus on who we are at our core and who others are at their core
  • We tie our self worth to what we do and to our titles. 
  • We are not our title. Our worth has nothing to do with our title 
  • You have an innate value and worth that you come into this life with. A G-d given value. 
  • We aren’t meant to fit in a title, we are seeking status because we’ve attached meaning to it. This is a false sense of positive feeling. 


Watch the recap below: 


Titles disconnect people from themselves and from others: 

  • What you are is G-d's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to G-d” 
  • Titles are meant to allow us to come to a certain understanding of something quicker. 
  • Nowadays people are fed up being conformed to a box of a job title 
  • The moment we realize we are more than a title and a role we release ourselves from our confines. 
  • Titles cause a disconnect between people. 
  • Strip away the titles and roles and we can begin to see each other on an even playing field


Watch the recap below:


The Bottom Line: 

The 3 main takeaway points were: 

  • We are more than just “Titles” 
  • Live your life to the fullest, you are more than “your story”
  • Nothing can hold you back if you release yourself of your “box”

Contributors to this article include:



Jen (Jenergy Vibes) Russman - Jen is an emotional release practitioner and self healing expert specializing in the energetics of mind-body healing.

After nearly seven years sick and disabled with MS, Jen made a power of decision to heal and reclaimed her health and life naturally.

As a differently-abled entrepreneur, Jen is passionate about changing the narrative around how we view and address trauma, mental health, and chronic illness.

She celebrates living beyond labels and champions turning pain into power by giving it purpose.

Jen’s energy healing practice specializes in clearing emotional blocks and releasing energetic attachments to trauma out of the body.


To reach Jen Russman you can follow her on LinkedIn, Facebook, and TikTok. You can also learn more about her on her website


Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.


To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]


Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness. 


Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.

To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]