Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 3 - Establishing Healthy Relationships - Ft. Hector Simoudis

business education live show podcast Jan 21, 2022
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 3 - Establishing Healthy Relationships - Ft. Hector Simoudis


Welcome to the third week and the third episode of The Exceptionally Irresistible Podcast show. It was an awesome discussion that spoke about “Establishing Healthy Relationships”. In order to live a meaningful and purposeful life, we also need to have healthy relationships around us - whether they be personal and/or professional.

In case you missed this past week’s episode, please feel free to check them out by clicking these links. 

Wednesday Live Show

Who is Hector Simoudis? 

Yermi met Hector through an introduction when he was searching for help with his sales. At first, Yermi was hesitant to reach out to Hector, but then, boy was he glad that he did. Right from the onset, Hector focused entirely on establishing and building a relationship with Yermi. Hector gave so much free value that Yermi was taken aback by the generosity. Yermi and Hector are now set to work on a project together. The way Hector went about building the relationship with Yermi and the way Hector identified the real need that Yermi needed help with, was truly exceptionally irresistible, making him a perfect candidate for being a guest on the 3rd episode of our Live Shows. 


Hector believes that relationships will have mishaps and mistakes and that’s okay, however, the key is that you’re meant to be authentic. 


Hector brings his family history and culture into his business and relationships. 


Here’s how he put it: 

  • Understand who your learners are, who are the people you have a relationship with are how to interact with them. 
  • 2 Commonalities for growing communities and individuals 

1) need and want for personal connection

2) Want for education 

  • Strong family roots and support can help you overcome challenges. 
  • When you’ve received good relationships and strong support be sure to pass it on and pay it forward. 
  • Family doesn’t have to be blood. You can build your “family”
  • Be willing to direct a potential client in the RIGHT direction, not necessarily YOUR direction 
  • Always bring “food” to the “meal” - bring value into every interaction you have. Don’t come empty handed. 


Watch the recap below:


How to establish healthy relationships?

  • Truly want the other person to be successful 
  • Listen to their purpose, aspiration, and what finish lines they want to cross? 
  • Be willing and have a true desire to help them HOWEVER you can
  • Your time is the most valuable thing you have to offer. 
  • Be willing to redirect clients if that is what is best for them. 


1) Be genuine

2) Have active listening

3) Ask good compelling questions to truly understand the client and their need 

4) Be willing to help 


  • Vulnerability creates relatability which allows for genuine conversation which creates an emotional condition
  • Care about the other person as much as they care about themselves.
  • Take the M in “Me” and flip it to make a “We”


Learn from the strengths of your culture: 

For example in Greek Culture there is something called “Name Day” which is similar to a birthday - share an individual's value with their circle and network. 


The lesson learned: Praise the people you have a relationship with to the people in your network snd their network. 

  • Stay top of mind by providing value to the individual beyond the expectation 
  • Give without expecting anything back


Watch the recap below:


What does it take to form a relationship?

  • Relationships are about giving 100% and expecting nothing back
  • One small change can massively impact the relationship
  • When both people give 100% it shows that both parties are fully invested in the success of the other. 
  • When you build a strong value based relationship then when things are challenging you’ll have people to support you. 
  • When you build true relationships with your clients they end up becoming your friends. 


Watch the recap below:


What are REALationships and how do they work?


Sandler System - Dan Levitt

  • Thank people for their time
  • Confirm how much time they have
  • Find out what the client or individual wants to accomplish during the time of the meeting. 
  • Find out how else you can help - what connections can you introduce them to in order to help them in their life or business 
  • People are seeking out deeper authentic relationships 


Watch the recap below: 


What is considered a healthy relationship?

  • Be open and forgiving of the absences that may happen in the relationship. People are busy and not always in touch with one another, it’s okay to have some quiet time. 
  • Try to connect with others and see how they’re doing
  • A good relationship allows and requires you to challenge the other person in the relationship 


There are 2 types  of people that influence a relationship:

  1. Type I: Victim - they suck the energy and require people’s attention, blame others, they rather point a finger than take ownership and they blame instead of tackle challenges
  2. Type II: Takes ownership, is willing to grow, and takes the steps necessary to grow


  • Anybody in type 1 can become type 2
  • Be honest with yourself if you’re a Type 1 or 2 person or company. 
  • Figure out if your counterpart is a Type 1 or 2


Watch the recap below: 


Healthy Stages of Vulnerability:

  • Look at the nature of the relationships 
  • Be able to tell from the energy of the conversation how vulnerable you can be and they can be
  • Being vulnerable allows you to open the doors to the relationship
  • When you share specific details of a story it gives room for the connection to deepen 


Watch the recap below: 


At the end of the show, Boruch and Yermi were so inspired by the incredible shares and by the great engagement of the audience that we decided to do the following 3 things: 


  1. We invited the audience members to email us with some of their comments that will be added to this recap - in return, we pledged to plan an Exceptionally Irresistible Leadership Summit where we will be invited all of the special guests of our shows and our awesome audiences to meet up and network with one another. So please email us at [email protected] to get on that waiting list to learn more about the Summit. 
  2. For those of you who watched the show, or are here now reading this recap, we are offering our Mental Real Estate exercise for FREE - this exercise is a powerful and very popular tool that people use to help them form healthy relationships. 
  3. Hector also offered a FREE gift - a FREE MasterClass called: "Create and Launch a Successful eLearning Program, Online Course, or Virtual Training" and Learn The 3 Pillars To Create Extraordinary Value for Your Learners Every Time”


The Bottom Line: 

The 3 main takeaway points were: 

  • Be a giver
  • Be 100% invested 
  • Know the person that you are having a relationship with 

Contributors to this article include:



Hector Simoudis - Hector, a proud Greek, born and raised in the Middle East, experienced a melting pot of cultures from an early age. Blessed with the ability to travel to 39 countries, Hector learned the value of relationships and education. Co-Founding eLearning Partners with his best friend, Jonny Havey, as eLearning experts, they focus on helping companies with what is most important in their online learning: understanding who their learners are and getting content in front of them as quickly as possible.

To reach Hector Simoudis you can follow him on LinkedIn, or his partner Jonny Havey LinkedIn and by checking out their website or emailing Hector at [email protected]


Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.


To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]


Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness. 


Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.

To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]