Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 24 - Recovery, A Blessing or a Curse? - Ft. Beata Zdanowska
Jul 29, 2022
Many people have the understanding that “recovery” are only people that are involved with an AA type of program. Only very few people refer to recovery as someone that has overcome something dramatic. But nearly no one refers to recovery as a growth process.
In this discussion, we explore the meaning of recovery from a perspective of a growth process. We also explore how this growth process can be a blessing and a curse at the same time.
In case you missed the podcast, Wednesday Live Show, and Thursday Night Clubhouse discussions - please check out the following links:
Wednesday Evening Live Show
Thursday Night Clubhouse Discussion
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Who is Beata Zdanowska?
- Beata comes from the root word which means blessing.
- Beata is in constant transformation in her life and she invites others into it.
- A lot of people are lost and confused because they don’t know how to move from the “FROM” to “TO”, the place they are to the place they’re going to.
- Beata focuses on helping people to create their own blueprint and get in touch with what their soul and heart yearns for and was created to pursue.
- Where are you at, where do you want to be, who do people see you as, and what you’re capable of?
- What if you are meant to do so much more in your life?
- Acknowledge your truth and who you are, combine that with your skills and knowledge, and CREATE something.
- Focus on the VISION, the higher purpose you’re connected to and meant to fulfill.
- Stop living a life of what others tell you you SHOULD do. Live the life that is YOURS. Create your own SHOULD
- We all have an intuition and we have to learn to listen to it. We will have an urge or desire and reason for that.
- Happiness is always connected to service. We can’t be happy on our own. We are here to help and serve and impact others.
- We will need time alone but eventually, life is about sharing.
- Real forward momentum comes from ME serving YOU and doing something for YOU.
- Beata started coaching because she had that feeling of NEED to serve others and help them through a blind spot.
Watch the recap below:
Recovery - A Blessing & Curse:
- Recovery is something that happens over and over again in many different ways.
- Recovery involves learning and forward momentum.
- Recovery is about finding the way through the struggle, transforming it, and finding the light behind the shadow. But you have to face the shadow.
- Every lesson comes with a blessing.
- Life may be hard but your life journey is not to just dissolve into your struggle. The purpose of life is to push through, learn and grow.
- All life is vibration and energy. We don’t do anything by meeting someone else’s vibration. We only change things by growing and raising our own vibrational levels.
- Be a lease that invites vulnerability with strength.
- The more we can be open and honest with others and have the strength to be vulnerable, the more we can together build the strength and resilience to recover from what has happened.
- Every time you go through the recovery you’ll learn something new and discover a new lesson.
- Everything that happens to us happens because we are ready to receive it.
- When going through an experience ask yourself “who am I becoming. Who am I being”.
Watch the recap below:
Recovery As A Blessing:
- What steps can we take during recovery to turn our challenges into blessings?
1) Any time you’re going through a struggle or trauma….don’t blame yourself.
- Life doesn’t happen to you. You are not a victim of circumstance.
- View the event as part of a chain reaction attached to other people instead of a singled-out event.
- Treat yourself with a little love and give yourself time to process the emotions.
- As humans, it is a part of us to Feel things and we need to in order for us to see the next steps.
- Only once we have felt what we need to feel can our brain then process the next steps and all the opportunities and events and people and organizations that are available to us.
- I’m a time of hardship and struggle it’s hard to be alone…reach out to someone to share your story with to heal.
2) Connect with someone.
- Start a conversation. Share your story. Record yourself saying the story.
3) Now you can begin to find your own path.
- As humans, we are so powerful and we refuse to believe that. We hide behind stress, anxiety, and fear.
- We can only discover ourselves and our true power when we stop limiting ourselves
Watch the recap below:
Gene Keys:
3 areas:
- Shadow
- Gift
- Higher Self
- We have access to all three at the same time.
- Our higher self always knows what’s best for us. We have to tap into it.
- We have to trust ourselves enough to find our higher self.
- The Gift is the journey that’ll take us to our higher self from the shadows.
Watch the recap below:
Recovery As A Curse:
- We can get addicted to anything.
- We can even get addicted to the feeling of recovery where we don’t want to recover. We just want to stay on the journey.
- We have to have a bigger vision that we are working towards. What we are breaking through to.
- We can also always be looking for other things to recover from instead of continuously growing in a specific direction.
- We have to remember to keep moving forward and not try to hold on to the past.
- We can also get addicted to learning and it’ll feel right because we are instantly learning but the true recovery and success of any change is when we take action.
- Plan for your own journey. Identify the blueprint. Write your story. And take action.
Watch the recap below:
The Bottom Line:
The 3 main takeaway points were:
- True recovery happens when we discover that struggles keep recurring and that we learn to grow from that recurring struggle over and over again.
- No matter how big or small the struggle is, it is important to keep reminding ourselves that we are not alone during the process. We tap into a support system and inner circle.
- Sometimes we get so caught up in our recovery that it’s very easy to fall into the trap of trying to save the world. We need to remind ourselves, that we are all traveling our own journeys and that all we can do is support one another through that journey.
Contributors to this article include:
Beata Zdanowska - Beata Zdanowska is a Certified Life Coach and NLP Practitioner based in New York City. She guides leaders who are ready to create change and heal their communities to awaken & empower their natural strengths and transform limiting patterns.
She accomplishes that through trigger mapping, re-framing self-talk, and raising EQ.
Beata incorporates the philosophies of NLP, Human Design, Gene Keyes, HeartMath Institute, and EFT Tapping with the mindset work of Transformation Academy.
She has graduated from Tony Robbins University and Leadership Academy and is now training to become a Senior Leader in his programs.
Beata’s passion is a conscious exponential EQ growth over a lifetime.
When she is not coaching her clients she is reading or listing to Brené Brown, diving into NLP, Gene Keys' wisdom, meditating, debating on Clubhouse, dancing the Argentine tango, traveling, or walking & biking in local parks.
You can learn more about Beata and connect with her by visiting her LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.
To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]
Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness.
Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.
To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]