Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 2 - How To Be Exceptionally Irresistible? - Ft. Gracie Ruth Melendez

business education live show podcast Jan 14, 2022
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 2 - How To Be Exceptionally Irresistible? - Ft. Gracie Ruth Melendez

Welcome to the second week and the second episode of The Exceptionally Irresistible Podcast show. It was an awesome discussion that spoke about “How to become Exceptionally Irresistible”, which is a continuation to the last conversation we had the week before that spoke about “What is Exceptionally Irresistible”. In case you missed either one of these episodes, you can always go back and listen to them on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify by clicking these links. 

As always, we then invited our audience to take part in an incredible Live Show event that streamed on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. The conversation was on fire. More about this in just a moment. 

Thursday night’s Clubhouse meeting grew 10 fold from last week’s attendance. We were very humbled to see the turnout and we are truly grateful to all those that showed up. We did 3 or 4 rapid-fire rounds and the shares were absolutely mindblowing, insightful, and inspiring. One of our audience members shared with us after the show about how ‘refreshing’ it was to be part of an experience where the audience member is taken through a journey from the audio version of the podcast, to the Live Show, to the Clubhouse Live Show (click the link to hear the replay) - it’s very unique and it truly empowers everyone involved to be part of a greater discussion and feels more connected during these turbulent times. That is exactly our point and the purpose and drive behind this podcast. In future episodes, the audience and the listener will discover how we can all be connected on a deeper level in an Exceptionally Irresistible way. 

To watch the full interview click here


Yermi met Gracie at a LinkedIn Local Meetup in Los Angeles. At the time Yermi was teaching at a school that taught young adults (16-20 year olds) business from a theory and hands-on perspective. This networking event was the first of its kind that Yermi took the boys on a field trip. What better place to meet a person like Gracie. The following day at the class, Yermi used Gracie’s networking skills as an example to his students on how to properly network and how to build relationships. Ever since that meeting, Yermi met Gracie at a few other LinkedIn Local meetups and kept in touch with her the entire time ever since. Gracie’s unique character, attitude, and approach to things, made her a perfect candidate to be invited as an Exceptionally Irresistible guest for our Episode 2. 


Who is Gracie Ruth Melendez? 

Gracie started her business in 2015 after being a real estate office manager. She took a few courses on Digital Marketing but then ended up specializing in becoming a LinkedIn Trainer and Strategist. 


Gracie’s core values and belief system is as follows:


 - The entrepreneurial journey is not a straight line. Lots of ups and downs but it’s a learning experience. 

 - Get joy out of your clients' success

 - Listen to your inner voice and feelings. 

 - Know your strengths and share them with others. 


Gracie knew she had a radiating positivity that was being wasted in a toxic environment and just wanted to share it with others, That’s what propelled her to leave her Real Estate career and focus on uplifting others professionally through her digital marketing skills. 


Gracie believes that networking is not for the purpose of selling things. It’s about connecting. 

Respect others and be in tune with their needs. Look for ways to help them. 


Watch the recap below: 


How To Become Exceptional?

  • Be true to yourself, your values, principles, and beliefs 
  • You have to have a full cup before you can share with others. 
  • Be in gratitude so you can share with others. 
  • Connect with G-d every day. 
  • Don’t start your day off with your to do list. Start your day off by bringing gratitude into your life. 
  • Connect to the source. 
  • Live your values. Live your message. 
  • Before you can give you have to love yourself. Know yourself. Love yourself. Give of yourself. 
  • Own your exceptionality


Watch the recap below: 


How to fill your cup:

  • Disengage from Social Media - input is output
  • Sit in silence. Read. Bible. Personal development. 
  • Read to recharge and not just to build. 
  • Hang out with people that uplift you and help you to grow and improve and become better. People who are on the same page and growing. - circle of influence 
  • Personalize what you learn and internalize it


Watch the recap below: 


How To Be Irresistible?

  • Always strive to be the best version of yourself. 
  • Spend time learning about yourself. 
  • Put family first. 
  • Always be learning and developing. 
  • Be the best version of YOU so you can be present for those you care most about. 
  • Motivation is the gas in the car. It’ll run out. You have to keep finding gas. 
  • Inspiration is the vehicle. Find something that inspires you to keep going. 
  • Find what inspires you and allows you to fuel up. 
  • Simple acts of kindness go a long way
  • You have to lead yourself first and build yourself and understand yourself. Get yourself right. Then you can lead others. 
  • “You are the light. People are attracted to your light. If you’re angry all the time people won’t want To be near you. Always have your light shining”
  • Live in the present. 


Watch the recap below: 


How To Be Exceptionally Irresistible?

  • Don’t be a lurker.
    • 1) be presentable - optimized profile
    • 2) Be yourself - reach out and engage 
  • Never push your product or service. Build relationships first. 
  • It’s not enough to connect with people online. Follow up with them and meet up with them in person
  • We all have a fingerprint and it’s up to us to leave that mark on the world and nobody can take it away
  • Connect and get to know people and the sale will come. 
  • Being authentic and transparent builds trust
  • Build trust and nourish it. 


Watch the recap below: 


The Bottom Line: 

The 3 main takeaway points were: 

  • Fill your cup
  • Curate your input 
  • Pour into others



Contributors to this article include:



Gracie Melendez - Gracie is a LinkedIn Trainer / LinkedIn Strategist based in Alhambra, CA. Gracie has been in business since 2015. She helps coaches, consultants, and small business owners attract their ideal clients by applying effective relationship building strategies. So they can grow their businesses ๐‘พ๐‘ฐ๐‘ป๐‘ฏ๐‘ถ๐‘ผ๐‘ป being sales-y, pushy, or spammy!


Gracie is the host of #LinkedInLocalPasadena and #LinkedInVirtual (networking event). Her passion is to help business owners to ๐๐ž ๐…๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐, ๐„๐š๐ซ๐ง ๐“๐ซ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ, and build ๐•๐š๐ฅ๐ฎ๐ž-๐๐š๐ฌ๐ž๐ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐ฉ๐ฌ.


To reach Gracie Melendez you can follow her on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and by checking out her website or emailing her at [email protected]


Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.


To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]


Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness. 


Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.

To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]