Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 19 - Being The Better Person - Ft. Thomas Edwards Jr.
Jun 17, 2022
In this final discussion about the difference between being a greater person - which is something you can only do internally, and being a better person - which is the time you are faced with a situation or circumstance that is outside of you. We explore what it takes to achieve this “better person” status.
In this discussion, we talk about The Abundance Mindset, Scarcity Mindset, and what would you do if you find out that someone else has the same name as your high-ticket program? Is that competition? What would you do about it?
This week, Boruch wasn’t able to make it because his wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. We are so happy and excited for Boruch and the entire DuBrow family - wishing them many blessings, Mazal Tov, and congratulations.
This week’s Live Show was filmed while on the road back from a Success Summit that Yermi was attending, so please excuse some of the distractions and the background noise.
In case you missed the podcast, Wednesday Live Show, and Thursday Night Clubhouse discussions - please check out the following links:
Wednesday Evening Live Show
Thursday Night Clubhouse Discussion
You can also sign up to our Club on Clubhouse to see all further discussions and go back to previous replays.
Who is Thomas Edwards Jr.?
- The most important role is that of being a father.
- Playfulness is an elite form of mindfulness that allows you to tap into your true human potential. It allows you to relieve stress.
- First generation American born in his family- felt a pressure to succeed and was driven to do so.
- First business was as a professional wingman - helping people to succeed in getting married and building relationships.
- After being hosted on the Steve Harvey show it led Thomas to have an awakening that he was on the wrong path.
- Sought to get help but kept struggling.
- Eventually had a real awakening similar to the Matrix. But even though his new life was good and he was enjoying it he didn’t feel like he was fully having fun in life.
- After a small stint in e-Sports as a professional gamer, Thomas made the connection that life too can be treated like a game.
- Realized that most people go through life in fear and anxiety about getting things done. Asked himself “What if we treated life like a game and we all had an extra life”.
- Work-life balance is a facade because you’re constantly moving things around. You can’t separate work and life. There’s just life
- Being affluent in your time and energy, not just in your money.
Watch the recap below:
Abundance Mindset:
- Greatness is based on individual talent, Skillset, and effort.
- Better means they’re better individually but also they make everyone around them better.
- You can choose to be great, but your overall global impact will depend on your ability to make people better.
- Our soul wants to live and be free and knows endless possibilities are out there.
Growth/Abundance Mindset:
1) focus on learning at each phase of your life
2) Doing the work and putting in the effort is a good thing.
3) Performance is done through effort. The more you put in the more you accomplish
4) Make the most of what you perceive as weaknesses and mistakes
- The abundance mindset creates another level of awareness which is Self-Awareness - how you show up and impact the people and places around you.
Watch the recap below:
Scarcity Mindset:
- In scarcity, you’re only thinking about yourself.
- You think about what’s happening “to you” instead of for you.
- You hide your weaknesses and mistakes
- You see effort as a bad thing.
- You see others who perform well as “naturals” and not as having put in the effort.
- Thinking that doing the internal work is a bad thing.
- Scarcity focuses on one fixed outcome and everything else is a failure. It’s a direct focus on the result and none on the journey.
- The thing you may actually want may not be for your highest good.
Watch the recap below:
Competition vs Collaboration:
- A game is an experience. There are three ways to have that experience:
- watch the game
- Lead the game
- Play the game
- Watching the game we see competition
- Playing the game we see competition but we have teammates
- Other business professionals are our “teammates” who we play the game of life with.
- A lot of people compare themselves with others around them - think social media. Our natural tendency is to believe we are better than others but this sets us up for a game we can only lose.
- The only way to win that game is if we compare ourselves to our previous selves.
- When you are able to look at other people and say “how can I help them, how can I make their day or life better?” the only way to see them is as a teammate and not as competition.
- When you collaborate you both win.
- One person doesn’t have to lose for another to win.
- Being one percent better is all it takes. Tangibly that’s 1% of your day developing something better. 1% of your day is 15 minutes.
- If you consistently spend 15 minutes a day bettering yourself or your situation you will have become 37 times better over the span of a year.
Watch the recap below:
The Bottom Line:
The 3 main takeaway points were:
- Being abundant doesn’t always necessarily have anything to do with financial success, it is more about the openness to others and to situations.
- Being scarce is someone that is always afraid of trying new things or being open to experiences. It has the ego at the forefront.
- If we work on improving ourselves only 1% of the day - which is only 15 minutes a day, we can 37x ourselves by the end of the year.
Contributors to this article include:
Thomas Edwards Jr. - "Thomas Edwards Jr., is the author of The 1up Effect, a playfulness coach and innovative visionary of maximizing fulfillment in life. Using his unique, game-like methodology for high-level transformation, Edwards works with professionals, leaders, and businesses who seek to level up their purpose, joy, passion, and achievement.
A former professional wingman, Thomas Edwards Jr. has been featured in hundreds of media outlets, including Men's Health, the Wall Street Journal, GQ, Entrepreneur, the New York Times, as well as MTV, ABC, and the Steve Harvey Show. When he's not collecting watches, swimming laps in the pool, going on date nights with his wife, or being a proud #girldad to his 4-year old daughter, you can find him playing some of his favorite video games at home in Carlsbad, California."
You can learn more about Thomas and connect with him by visiting his Website, or on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.
To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]
Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness.
Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.
To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]