Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 10 - Singular or Diversified Purpose? - Ft. Abram Siegel-Rivers

business education live show podcast Mar 11, 2022
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
Weekly Live Show Recap - Ep. 10 - Singular or Diversified Purpose? - Ft. Abram Siegel-Rivers


Often we find ourselves wondering what is my purpose? Is it ok that I am no longer passionate about something? Can it be that my passions change? Can it be that my purpose would change?

Many people struggle to come to terms with their evolvement in life and often ask similar questions. The way to move forward is discussed in this week’s episode and with our special guest. 

In case you missed the podcast, Wednesday Live Show, and Thursday Night Clubhouse discussions - please check out the following links: 


Wednesday Evening Live Show 

Thursday Night Clubhouse Discussion


Who is Abram Siegel-Rivers? 

  • “Who you are” is the world experienced by love, laughter, and wonder. 
  • Musician for most of his life and discovered himself through the journey, which is an ongoing process. 
  • We come into the world with a preconceived notion of who we are and what the world is about. 
  • As a young kid, Abram felt that he was different because his mom is half black-half Italian, his father is Jewish and he was bullied. Abram told himself that because he was different, he had to find a way to try and fit in, in order to belong. 
  • The suffering brought with it a discovery of purpose. 
  • We have to peel away the layers of the onion that is our life. 
  • Abram loves to connect people to their own experience of the divine expression within themselves. 
  • We have to be who we say we are and not say one thing and be something else. 
  • Why can’t G-d just tell us who we are and what we are meant to do?
  • Our true identity comes from the challenges we overcome and the experiences we have. 
  • Before starting with why we need to discover the “Who” we are. 


Watch the recap below:


Singular or Diversified Purpose:

  • Passion is a way of being. Sometimes passion serves us and sometimes it doesn’t. 
  • Passion is a way to approach something that enlivens us or helps us feel good. 
  • Purpose is the same as “Who Am I”
  • Purpose is an unfolding experience of the present moment. 
  • There are levels to our purpose. There are things that innately inspire us - that’s a soul purpose. 
  • Purpose comes from a deeper understanding of where we are now and what we are doing in any area - taxes, dishes, music, etc 
  • Purpose comes from distinguishing fulfillment which comes from what we have that can empower and uplift others. 
  • By loving our neighbor as ourselves we can tap into what they have that we don’t have and in the end that shows love to ourselves. 


Watch the recap below: 


Finding Meaning and Purpose In Experiences:

Purpose comes from:

1) our circumstances (the mountains and valleys we’ve climbed). The experiences we’ve gone through. 

  • We can use these to help others overcome the same or similar challenges. 
  • On the other side of trauma lies wisdom. 


2) Declares Purpose

  • This comes from declaring that you will do something and live your life in a certain way. 
  • When you declare that you are something or will have something those things then present themselves. 

  • Our purpose is declared even when reality says the opposite. 
  • Our talents and gifts come from our challenges and experiences. 
  • We have the choice to be a victim or become a victor and find meaning in trauma and challenges. 


Watch the recap below: 


Can Purpose Change?

  • G-d doesn’t tell us what our purpose is when we are born, because our purpose changes over time. 
  • It’s like climbing a mountain and getting to the top and then realizing that there is another level to the mountain. 
  • Abram discovered his purpose within music, as time went on and realized it made him feel good and allowed him to impact others. 
  • Passion allows us to listen to our experiences as opportunities. 
  • Often times there’s a deeper purpose that we aren’t aware of that is there. This becomes known to us when we are truly ready to see it and dive deep into the questions to understand ourselves. 
  • Ask yourself if your purpose is based on survival or based on creating impact. 
  • “In the court of our lives is where life happens”


Watch the recap below:


Tribal Leadership: 


Three levels of learning:

1) Inquiry - ask questions that’ll lead you to your core values. (look at the product - the end goal - “how do I do that”. ) Who am I? Why Am I

2) Coaching - Structured learning of what you’re trying to accomplish. A plan of how to achieve your Why and Who 

3) Practice - the habit and routine required to get you towards your goal and accomplish. 

  • Understand the “Who”, the “Why” & the “What” before you explore the “How”
  • When going through a hardship ask yourself why you’re going through it and what lesson can be learned. 


Watch the recap below: 


Finding Purpose Through Passion:

  • Passion and purpose are two different realms. 
  • They’re not married to each other but they live with each other. 
  • Passion is a way of being. 
  • You can live your passion or you can bring passion into what you live. 
  • Passion can be generated. 
  • Passion can help us access purpose because it encourages us to take risks. 
  • Passion is something that comes to infuse what we do. 

Watch the recap below:


Is Passion Our Livelihood?

  • The anchor between passion and purpose is our values 
  • What are your resonant values?


There are three types of relationships:


1) Built from pleasure 

2) Built from utility

3) Built from merit and virtue. 

  • Relationships built from merit and virtue last a lifetime 
  • Two individuals can have two different values for one action but the value will have a resonance that is similar. 
  • Relationships exist when we can find the resonance in the values we have. Build from a place of alignment. 

Watch the recap below: 


The One Day Movement: 

  • To connect, inspire and uplift communities through music art stories, and events. 
  • Acknowledge you have A unique gift. 
  • Create your life in service to your neighbors.


To learn more about how Abram Siegel-Rivers feel free to check out his website

To learn more about the collaborative book check this link out 


Watch the recap below: 


The Bottom Line: 

The 3 main takeaway points were: 

  • Passion drives purpose
  • Passion and purpose can change and evolve over time
  • The anchor of our passion and purpose is based on our values

Contributors to this article include:



Abe Siegel - Abram Siegel-Rivers is the founder of the One Day Movement, a nonprofit for creatives and community leaders. One Day provides a platform that connects, inspires, and uplifts communities around the world through music, art, stories, and events. In Fall 2022, Siegel-Rivers will be launching the first One Day global holiday event with the One Day Movement’s first collaborative book, Together We Rise, which will spotlight the stories, music, and art of creative, community, and spiritual leaders from around the globe. Today he is teaching and training Creative Leadership, empowering creative leaders to ​​make an impact through creative outlets. Through his coaching and consulting he supports creators and brands in unpacking their dreams and visions in a way that makes them real for them. 


To reach and learn more about Abe Siegel you can follow him on Facebook and LinkedIn and learn more about him through his Website or by emailing him at [email protected]


Boruch DuBrow - Boruch is an Exceptional Development Coach with over 13 years of experience as an educator. Boruch has helped hundreds of people feeling lost in life to discover their path and reach their potential. Today, Boruch educates and empowers individuals and organizations to discover their path, define their purpose, and create an “Exceptional” future for themselves, their families, and their organizations.


To learn more about Boruch DuBrow feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, or Instagram, You can also reach Boruch by emailing him at [email protected]


Yermi Kurkus - Yermi has spent most of his career helping people at their lowest find meaning and purpose through proven methods that are built from psychology, philosophy, and mystical teachings. Yermi's approach is pragmatic and down to earth, thus coining the term Practical Mindfulness. 


Today, Yermi partners up with business owners, professionals, and individuals that want to become more "irresistible" in their personal and professional lives, as well as helping founders build "irresistible" systems in their businesses.

To learn more about Yermi Kurkus feel free to follow him on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. You can also reach Yermi by emailing him at [email protected]