Weekly Huddle - Week 2 - 08/16/22

education huddle programs training Aug 21, 2022

Bringing back the Weekly Huddles have proven to be a true success.


 Check out this week's Huddle


What is the purpose of these Huddles? 

The idea of the Weekly Huddles is to allow people to “test drive” what it’s like to be or become more Exceptionally Irresistible. 


Watch Yermi explain it here: 

The scene:

In this week’s Huddle, we had Neville and Rick roleplay selling each other on their services. The challenge was that Neville had to get a “yes” from Rick within 3 minutes.

Check out how Neville did here:  


Here is some feedback that Neville got from Rick, Pinny, and Dina. 


Neville’s Feedback: 

  • Neville didn’t feel like he got to a ‘Yes’ 


Rick Feedback: 

  • Rick had a good time with Neville 
  • Rick didn’t feel pressured
  • Rick felt that Neville listened to him and paid attention to him
  • Rick felt that there was a connection. 
  • Rick wanted to learn more about Neville and what he does. 


Neville’s Feedback: 

  • Neville wasn’t too surprised by Rick’s feedback
  • He was working on making a connection to see where Rick was holding to see if Rick would need any of Neville’s services


Dina Feedback:

  • As an observer - she found it engaging  


Pinny Feedback: 

  • Pinny pointed out the multiple ‘yes’s’ that Rick gave Neville
  • Neville really made it all about Rick


Rick Feedback: 

  • Rick wanted to hear more from Nevile - to him it’s right off the bat a “yes”
  • Having 3rd party feedback is valuable - acts as a validation that indeed there was a connection between him and Neville.


Neville’s Feedback:

  • Neville assumed that “Yes” needed to take a certain form
  • Neville didn’t realize that there were “yes’s” going along the entire time
  • Neville was entirely focused on making the connection. 


Dina Feedback: 

  • The conversation was respectful
  • Each was keyed into each other
  • Body language showed it. 
  • Open communication
  • Yes, can also be non-verbal. 



  • It was engaging because it was authentic
  • The focus was on the connection and not the sale. 


Watch the recap here: 


Here is some feedback that Neville got from Yermi. 


Yermi’s Feedback: 

  • Neville got a “yes” under 1 minute 
  • Neville was upfront and transparent
  • Rick knew right from the start what to expect from Neville
  • Neville was making a connection
  • The reason why we want “yes” right from the beginning is that we want to get the person into a habit of saying “yes” 
  • Yes makes a person feel good. 
  • Rick is the focus - which makes Rick curious about Neville. 
  • Do not name-drop right from the start - it’s ok later on. 
  • Create transference of trust by using a mutual connection only once a connection is already made between Rick and Neville. 
  • Keep the other person talking
  • Reflect back as a listener 
  • Do not focus on a sale - take your time - draw Rick in through curiosity. Be curious and learn more about Rick
  • Rick will only buy from Neville when he sees that Rick will be better off with Neville. Thus, create an Exceptional experience and that makes Neville Irresistible. 
  • Neville put the value, Rick, now sees the value and is asking for more. 
  • Getting the “what’s next?” from the person you are selling to - is Exceptionally Irresistible


Neville’s Feedback:

  • Neville discovered that he is better at sales than he thought he was. 
  • Neville has been struggling with his sales - this feedback really helped 
  • Had a lot of self-doubts when it came to sales - this helped


Yermi’s Feedback: 

  • Neville got a “yes” under 1 minute 
  • Neville was upfront and transparent
  • Rick knew right from the start what to expect from Neville
  • Sales is a natural thing - when authentic 


Watch the recap here: 


Q&A session: Yes vs No: 

  • Behavior momentum = yes, yes, yes, creates the right momentum 
  • Connection is about the other person
  • Selling > Selling yourself
  • Once established that trust, that is when the other person wants to further interact with you. 
  • There is a school of thought that says that you want to get rid of the “no” and get it out of the way as early as possible
  • Crocodile brain that is always on the offensive
  • Chicken brain that is very passive
  • Lizard brain that needs reasoning and needs to feel safe. 
  • We take the human behavior approach of getting the person in the habit of saying yes and feeling good around you. 


Watch the recap here: 


Q&A session: Psychological Safety: 

  • People that are on the defense at any given time are not a healthy way of being 
  • By creating psychological safety, the person’s defense systems are lowered. 
  • EIW > Abundance Mindset - we look at scenarios as a generous and open environment with no need for defense
  • Defense, or crocodile brain = Scarcity Mindset. 
  • Creating a safe space that is not invasive but rather inviting 
  • Creating that positive environment requires a great deal of self-work and growth. 
  • Exceptional people want to hang out with exceptional people = it becomes irresistible.


Watch the recap here:  


Q&A session: Leaders Set The Stage: 

  • Leaders are the ones that create the environment  
  • The leaders are the ones that set the stage and lead by example
  • The leader gives a sense of the expectations 
  • “Psychological safety is the clear communication (transparency) and respect on the intersection of the individual and the group as modeled by the leader” - Dina
  • The leader is the one that starts the momentum, the rest of the group keeps pushing the momentum forward. 


Watch the recap here: 


Q&A session: Integrity and Authenticity: 

  • If people are in a mode of knowing what to expect - it can become a safe zone, and that can be a Chicken Brain. 
  • Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People 
  • We need to meet the other person where they are at - as long as we are authentic and as long as I come from my core values. 
  • Integrity is when we remain true to ourselves and create an environment that is Exceptionally Irresistible. 
  • Approach people with the 5 Love Languages approach 
  • Humans are more complex than 3 brains. 


Watch the recap here: 




Chat Transcript   



Dale Carnegie's

"How To Win Friends and Influence People"

Book Summary


You can purchase the audiobook here

[Note: These Amazon links are affiliate links]


Or the actual book here: 

If you would like to join this free resource, we conduct these Huddles weekly and we will be expanding them to bi-weekly soon (2x a week). If you would like to join a private group setting or a setting one-on-one - please contact us for more details. 


See you all next week.