The EI Show - S02E02 - Being Truly Authentic With Tracy Borreson

business podcast Feb 21, 2024
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
The EI Show - S02E02 - Being Truly Authentic With Tracy Borreson

What does it mean to be truly authentic?


In a world where the word authenticity is being thrown around as a buzz word these days - Tracy Borreson a marketing and branding expert talks about how to be fully you in every sense of the word.


Show Recap:


1. What is your message that you share with the world?



2. How did you discover this message?

Through my own personal journey in discovering what being authentic means, personally and in business.


3. What about this message is so near-and-dear to your heart?

That I think it's the secret to personal fulfillment


4. Who are the typical people this message resonates with?

People who are tired of doing things someone else's way!


5. Where do you draw your inspiration from?

Everywhere :)


Tracy Borreson Bio:


Tracy Borreson is all about authenticity, specifically in the digital space. In a world where it’s easy to hide and follow someone else’s path, Tracy endeavors to lead with her personal brand, as well as encourage others to find, own and show up with their personal brand leading the way. Tracy strives to bring more uniqueness to the world for individuals AND businesses, because THAT’S what actually stands out in a crowded marketplace.


Feel welcome to connect with Tracy through her WebsiteLinkedIn, and YouTube 


Feel welcome to watch the video interview below.


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