The 3 year victory - Happy Anniversary

business Jul 13, 2022

Today - 3 years ago! 


My life transformed forever! 


It was the happiest day of my life. 


Not only was I getting married to the most incredible woman in the world Liam Kurkus - but it was also a day of victory for me. 




What do I mean by that? 


Well, you see... 


People told me that this "ideal life" and "ideal wife" don't exist. If I were to listen to them - I would not be standing in that picture - well, at least not with Liam! 


I chose to live a 'Thriving Life' - the ideal life that I sought for myself. I didn't listen to the noise that was around me. 


I fought - and I won! 


I succeeded in achieving a part of my "impossible dream" 


Now, I am working on the next part of that impossible dream - with this incredible life partner by my side. 


Why do I share this with you? 


Because you too can live a life that is "Exceptionally Irresistible" - don't let anyone convince you of anything different. 


The only thing is - that it will require work and effort. 


But don't worry. 


Boruch DuBrow, the team at Yermi Kurkus Consulting, and I are here to partner up with you and help you build that ideal personal and professional life, as well as that ideal work environment that is not only "Free" - but also "Thriving" 


Keep your eye out for my upcoming book "For The Love of Success" which describes the whole journey of how I achieved my "impossible dream" and what are the steps that I am still taking on achieving the remainder of the dream - it will challenge you to also go get that "impossible dream" - you can do it too - anyone can! 



"For the Love of Success" is a book that talks about the journey of how I met and ended up getting married to Liam. It was a challenge - but it ended up in success.

Today, I draw parallels between that experience and "achievement" in my professional life - what are the steps that I am taking to achieve the next chapter of my "impossible dream"

Each chapter will challenge the reader to find lessons that relate to them - remember, my journey was mine and isn't necessarily going to be the same as yours - at the end of the day, we are all uniquely different. However, there may be some takeaways or hints of lessons that you may apply to your journey - it will challenge you to take small pieces and write your story and craft your personal journey.

Stay tuned - more details to follow.


Want to live a Thriving Life?

Boruch DuBrow and I host a monthly Becoming Exceptionally Irresistible Workshop (BEI) - every second Tuesday of the month.

In this workshop you will discover the 4 different categories of life that many people experience - we talk about what it takes to overcome challenges and struggles and how to channel those struggles to become the elements that will help you achieve that "Thriving Life" - we share with you some tools that are used to achieve that "impossible dream"

Learn more here: