Story: The Cat and The Stork - Is Fish Better Than Mouse?

business cpo education training Aug 22, 2022

One day a Cat and a Stork meet and they have the following discussion.

Stork: Fish is the only source of healthy and sufficient nutrients that one needs.
Cat: That's true, I too like fish and truly enjoy eating them - but did you ever try mouse? Now that is a whole other level of treat.  

The stork admits that it never tried mouse before and so it asks the cat, "can you show me how to catch mice? I would love to try it out sometime."

So the cat and stork head out to seek mice. When they find a pair of mice and after some basic training and simulations, the stork feels it's ready to hunt the mouse. Needless to say that the cat catches his mouse effortlessly, but the stork fails miserably each and every time. Over and over again, until the stork falls into depression.

One day the stork seeks up the courage and decided to go to the Lion Oracle at the end of the forest and in a far-off distant land - pale and miserable the stork comes before the lion and pours out his heart.

The lion listens carefully and intently and asks the Stork why he keeps failing at catching the mouse. The stork goes into all his analysis of not having long enough fangs, his wings or his beak getting in the way, etc.
"Ah!" says the lion "You are simply not built to catch mice."

The lesson is that we all have different driving forces and we are all "built" differently. What might be good for me, isn't necessarily good for someone else! 


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