S02E19 - Connecting Leadership, Mentorship, and Community with Summer Watson

business podcast Jul 11, 2024
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
S02E19 - Connecting Leadership, Mentorship, and Community with Summer Watson

What about a community makes it so appealing for people to continue being part of it?


I’ve been part of so many communities.


In my teenage and early adulthood years, I used to work for an organization that would send me to take part in various new branches that were being established under its umbrella.

I’ve seen so many communities start up and fail.

The burning question that always was (and still is on my mind), is “why”? What about these communities makes them fail or succeed?

This episode we sit down with Summer Watson.


Summer has a doctorate in psychology and speaks a lot on the topic of leadership, mentorship, and its connection to community formation.

It’s been a fascinating discussion.

Let’s hear…


Show Recap:


1. What is your message that you share with the world?


The importance of cross-generational mentorship and community collaboration


2. How did you discover this message?


Through a lifetime of mentorship and collaboration in both my personal and professional life.


3. What about this message is so near-and-dear to your heart?


How mentorship and bringing community together has helped me cultivate a passion for change and growth within myself and in community.


4. Who are the typical people this message resonates with?


With young people jumping into the workforce and for company owners, who want to retain these young people getting started along their career paths.


5. Where do you draw your inspiration from?


Having started work early and having mentors in my life to shed a lot of light on what I could consider when developing my work ethics, process, strategy, and humanism in all that I do.



Summer Watson Bio:


Summer worked in the field of human services for over 30 years. She is a Dr. of Psychology, a High Performance Coach, a Podcaster of “KORE Women”, a Live Show Host of “The Emotional Entrepreneur” Show, an educator and mentor.


Feel welcome to connect with Summer through her ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Linkedin⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Podcast⁠, and ⁠⁠⁠Website⁠⁠⁠ to learn more.


Feel welcome to watch the video interview below.


You can also check it out on LinkedIn by clicking the links below