S02E14 - Leading From A Deep “Why” with Marc W. Halpert

business podcast May 29, 2024
Yermi Kurkus Consulting
S02E14 - Leading From A Deep “Why” with Marc W. Halpert

How many times have we learned or heard about the importance of finding our true and deep “Why”?


Simon Sinek is well known for his phenomenal book “Start With Why”. Richard Weylman takes this topic a step further and in his phenomenal book “The Power of Why” Weylman talks about how your “Why” connects with the people you are trying to influence.


This episode we are exploring how this “why” connects with your leadership.


Marc W. Halpert is a LinkedIn expert, his specialty is in showing you how you can be “amazing-er” in how you show up. What I personally love most about his approach, is the idea of storytelling and posts that connect who you are at your core with the audience that potentially will read your content.

The reason why it’s so important to connect with your audience on this level is because, as Marc puts it, people fall in love with your message and who you are. 


That’s powerful. 


Is your “Why” relatable and do the people who follow you connect with that “why”? 


Let’s explore that in this week’s episode.


Show Recap:


1. What is your message that you share with the world?


You need to be amazing-er than your competition by telling "why you do what you do," using LinkedIn to tell how your past shows who you are today and your present indicates your future prospects. Not factoids of what you did, as on a resume.


2. How did you discover this message?


Too many professionals were taught from a young age not to talk about themselves. That fear has become an inbred reluctance to be real, personal, and open about how we rise above the mediocre. I had to overcome this too, and found I could talk about myself far better than others could about me, and adapt my message according to my stage of development as a professional and to address the audience's interests.


3. What about this message is so near-and-dear to your heart?


I coach others to be "amazing-er" and eclipse the competition, this but requires constant work to be memorable as a relevant, reliable and referable colleague. My joy is to teach others and watch their expression when they give themselves permission to tell their why for the first time.


4. Who are the typical people this message resonates with?


Professional practitioners, baby boomers, under-employed, new and seasoned entrepreneurs.


5. Where do you draw your inspiration from?


Within, because my early role models mostly took the common denominator/easy way out and that was not good enough for me.



Marc W. Halpert Bio:


Marc W. Halpert is the owner of connect2collaborate who spreads his LinkedIn and networking evangelism to train and coach others to better explain their brand positioning on LinkedIn. He is recognized as: A high-energy LinkedIn trainer and speaker to members of professional practice firms, entrepreneurs, small businesses, corporate departments, and nonprofit professionals.)


A personal LinkedIn coach to individuals from all walks of life who want to tell their unique career story on LinkedIn and with a little help, look “amazing-er.”


Marc authored numerous articles on LinkedIn techniques for self-branding and blogs every business day on a LinkedIn topic in our everyday business life. 


His book LinkedIn Marketing Strategies for Law and Professional Practices was published in its second edition April 2021 by the American Bar Association. It helps all types of professional practitioners and entrepreneurs better market themselves using the power tool that is LinkedIn. 


His second book You, Us, Them: LinkedIn Marketing Concepts for Nonprofit Professionals Who Really Want to Make a Difference, published June 2018, is the only book of its kind aimed at the nonprofit/NGO/association industries.


Feel welcome to connect with Marc through his ⁠⁠⁠Linkedin⁠⁠ ⁠and ⁠YouTube⁠ or by checking out his daily ⁠blog⁠. You can also check out his book, ⁠"You, Us, Them"⁠ and so much more on his ⁠Website⁠.


Feel welcome to watch the video interview below.


You can also check it out on LinkedIn and Facebook by clicking the links below